AECP and Orange Foundation Program for Residents of Armenia

In the scope of the AECP and Orange Foundation program for free eye care services provision to residents of the Armenian regions Armavir was the last province (marz) scheduled to visit in 2012.
In 2011-2012, in six Armenian marzes – Aragatsotn, Shirak, Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Ararat, and Armavir, 23,364 adults and 5,783 children received free-of-charge high quality medical services, 3,055 residents received detailed examination on the AECP Mobile Eye Hospital (MEH), 1,900 out of them underwent surgeries and laser treatment, 10,939 people got eye glasses. The AECP conducted eye care public education classes for 1,944 children in 36 local schools.
It’s a pleasure for the AECP to record that the program results have considerably exceeded predefined targets.
Overall, the financial participation of the Orange Foundation in the AECP 2011-2012 activities was equivalent to 37,719,460 AMD.
According to Nune Yeghiazaryan, the AECP Country Director: “The results we have now are the testimony that our partnership with Orange Foundation is gaining a considerable significance in the provision of eye care services to the Armenian population. The partnership with Orange is very much important for us, as it enables us to carry out larger scale of activities. This is not a promo, this is an important initiative aimed at providing quality eye care services to people. On behalf of thousands people we thank Orange Foundation of and hope that our partnership will continue in the future.”
On November 21, Francis Gelibter, Chairman of the Board of the Orange Foundation visited the AECP Mobile Eye Hospital in Vagharashapat. He learned about the work done on the MEH, saw the lasers and the surgical equipment, witnessed eye screening and surgeries, talked to the patients, and shared their impressions.
Mr. Gelibter said: “Armavir is the sixth region we have visited with the Armenian Eye Care Project. Together we managed to help many people to regain their eye sight. As a responsible company enrolled in the economic, social and cultural life of the country, we are happy to note that our partnership will continue in other regions, as we realize that we are bringing real change to peoples’ life.”

Our mission is eliminating
preventable blindness and
making eye care accessible to
all people in Armenia.