Public Education
The main goal of the Public Education program is educating the population about the measures for the prevention of eye diseases as well as highlighting the importance of using eye care services. By raising awareness through Public Education program, the AECP aims at integrating healthy eye care and safety practices into everyday life of the general public and particularly the children.
In order to disseminate information about common eye diseases, eye care and safety practices to a wider audience, the AECP published six hundred two thousand copies of 13 educational brochures targeting different groups of population. The brochures are disseminated in the regions and communities where the AECP works.
To raise public awareness, the AECP works with different target groups. Thematic talks on eye care and safety are conducted for schoolchildren, parents, teachers and medical personnel of the schools. During the talks they receive information about childhood and adult eye diseases, symptoms as well as safety measures and injury prevention. Thematic performances such as puppet shows and pantomime performances were organized for schoolchildren.
In cooperation with local and international organizations, the AECP conducts training of trainers sessions with active community groups and healthcare providers, who disseminate the eye care related information in their respective communities, thus making the basic knowledge available for a larger number of people.

Our mission is eliminating
preventable blindness and
making eye care accessible to
all people in Armenia.
Public Education Materials